Follow us here: arknat_sweden

“With ARKNAT we combine architecture and nature and give future architects and engineers practical experience with wood building”
Martin Björklund, Project manager Arknat

“It is amazing to see what can be accomplished by highly motivated students during sush a short period of time”
John Grundström, Architect Sweco
ARKNAT is a concept merging architecture and nature. Every summer students from all over Europe gathers to challenge the way we look at design and through a unique, creative process they leave behind new hideouts and shelters for public use.
Coming summer Sörmland awaits. Along hiking trail Sörmlandsleden 3 new site specific shelters will be design and built during two fun and creative weeks. More info will follow on Instagram and learn how to be one of the chosen ones at Participate!

“In two weeks from concept to a realised project. A high pressure cooker of the full architectural scope for students “
Boris Zeisser, Natrufied Architects

“Architecture helps us get in touch with our surroundings and maybe even more importent – with ourselves”
Jerry Engström, FriluftsByn

NY Times listing us and the High Coast as a place to visit 2022. Among 51 other sites all around the world. Check out the text and list here

In the year 2020 ARKNAT won the "Architecute of the Year" awards (Årets Arkitektur). The awards was handed out during the Swedish Design Awards by RUM i Stockholm.
We would like to thank everyone who has made ARKNAT possible.